- Establish CORE Leadership Team
- Gather Information – Building Drawings,
District Standards, Mapping, Roofing, Priority Lists
- School Safety Advisory Committee Information
- Curriculum Study, prepared by EES
- Regular CORE Leadership Team Meetings
- Demographer update, Matthew Ruther, U
of L
- School Board “work session” to
establish goals, process, timeline
- Staff Input Sessions (all buildings)
per five (5) categories:
- Functionality/Efficiency/Flexibility
- Collaboration/Connections
- Accessibility/Special
- Comfort
& Well Being
- Safety
& Security
- On-site Conditional Assessments (all buildings)
- All
disciplines; architectural, interiors, site, MEP, technology
- Score
all systems on 0 (poor) to 4 (new) scale.
- NAFCS vacant property review
- Begin Input of Data into SCOPE (Strategic
Capture of Planning Elements)
- Programming review (all buildings)
- Development of projects and cost
estimates for ten (10) years
- Prepare final “Master Planning
Staff Input Forms
What is a
Suitability Score & How is it Used?
The professional team scores the existing building materials, systems,
and site components
Score is based
on the evaluation of existing condition & expected lifespan condition of
components. Score is categorized into existing capacity, educational
effectiveness, safety, security, code compliance, healthy learning environments,
and condition of existing technology.
Overall Building Suitability Scores: