· Mission Statement
Albany-Floyd County School Corporation works together with parents and the
community to provide an outstanding education in a safe, nurturing environment
where all are challenged to reach their maximum potential as respectful,
responsible, contributing members of a diverse society.
· Belief Statement
The purpose of education is to discover, share, and
seek mastery of knowledge in the pursuit of personal fulfillment, lifelong
learning, and the improvement of humanity.
Administrators and teachers are knowledgeable about
child development, curriculum, instruction, technology, supervision, and
management theories; they implement exemplary practices.
All students are challenged to excel.
Schools provide a safe and nurturing environment.
Successful schools are a shared responsibility of
students, parents, school corporation, and the community.
Student success requires active parental involvement,
encouragement, and support.
Effective educational programs require high quality,
equitable facilities and appropriate allocation of resources to support each
student’s needs.
Diversity, respected and embraced in our schools,
makes us stronger.
The school corporation promotes innovation, supports
and respects all participants, and encourages the development of each
individual’s maximum potential.
The consensus process is an effective model for making
joint decisions.
Purpose and Goals of the Master Facility Plan
The NAFCS Facility Master Plan is intended to be a "road map" or "guiding light" for the district's development over the next 10 years. The purpose will be to develop a 10-year plan for building renovation, additions, and maintenance projects that coincide with student population projections, curriculum needs, and overall maintenance needs. Staff, community, and School board input will be important to accomplish an effective plan.
Critical portions of the planning will include, but not be limited to, the following:
Partner with a K12 Architecture-Engineering firm to
work with District leaders to identify current space utilization and future
needs based on educational goals.
Hold focus group meetings with staff, students,
parents and the community for input into the plan.
Review of prior plans.
o Develop a ten (10) year Master Plan with recommendations to:
§ solve problems identified or areas requiring improvement.
§ more effectively and efficiently utilize the existing space in the District, and any actions required to right-size the District including, but not limited to, building renovations, modifications and/or construction, alternative facility usage and configuration with student placement structure to meet future projected population and educational needs.
Leadership Team
Dr. Travis Madison, Superintendent
Dr. Joe Voelker, Asst. Superintendent of Operations
Amy Cook, Asst. Superintendent, Secondary Schools
Jeanine Corson, Chief Human Resources Officer
Michele Ferree, Director of Student Support Services
Tony Duffy, Asst. to the Superintendent of Elementary Education/Title 1
Chris Street, CFO
Sally Jensen, Director of Assessment & Student Information
Matt Wendt, Director of Facilities
Bill Hamby, Director of Technology & Instructional Resources
Eric Reid, Director of Transportation
Leslie Beach, Director of Food & Nutrition
Chris Bowers, IT Manager
Mike Rothrock, Asst. Director of Facilities
Haley Johnson, Asst. Director of Transportation
Schmidt Associates:
Anna Marie Burrell, Principal-in-Charge
Eric Broemel, Engineering Manager
J.M. Chovan, Project Architect
Kyle Miller, Project Manager